Band Protocol

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts.

Price Feeds

EnvironmentContract Address





Band Protocol's Solidity Standard Reference Contracts


This repository contains the Solidity code for Band Protocol's StdReference contracts. The live contract addresses can be found in the documentation.


To query prices from Band Protocol's StdReference contracts, the contract looking to use the price values should reference Band Protocol's StdReference contract. This contract exposes the getReferenceData and getReferenceDataBulk functions.

These can be imported via the IStdReference interface.

import interfaces/IStdReference.sol


The ReferenceData struct is defined as:

struct ReferenceData {
    uint256 rate;
    uint256 lastUpdatedBase;
    uint256 lastUpdatedQuote;

where the struct variables:

  • rate is defined as the base/quote exchange rate multiplied by 1e18.

  • lastUpdatedBase is defined as the UNIX epoch of the last time the base price was updated.

  • lastUpdatedQuote is defined as the UNIX epoch of the last time the quote price was updated.



  • The base symbol as type string

  • The quote symbol as type string


  • The base quote pair result as type ReferenceData


For example, if we wanted to query the price of BTC/USD, the demo contract below shows how this can be done.

import interfaces/IStdReference.sol

contract Demo {
    IStdReference public ref;

    constructor(IStdReference _ref) public {
        ref = _ref;

    function demo() external view returns (IStdReference.ReferenceData memory) {
        return ref.getReferenceData("BTC", "USD");

The result from demo() would yield:

ReferenceData(23131270000000000000000, 1659588229, 1659589497)

Where the results can be interpreted as:


    • rate = 23131.27 BTC/USD

    • lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229

    • lastUpdatedQuote = 1659589497


getReferenceDataBulk takes two lists as the inputs, the base and quote symbols. The return value is ReferenceData[].


  • An array of base symbols as type string[]

  • An array of quote symbol as type string[]


  • An array of the base quote pair results as type ReferenceData[]


For example, if we wanted to query the price of BTC/USD and ETH/BTC, the demo contract below shows how this can be done.

import interfaces/IStdReference.sol

contract DemoBulk {
    IStdReference public ref;

    constructor(IStdReference _ref) public {
        ref = _ref;

    function demo_bulk() external view returns (IStdReference.ReferenceData[] memory) {
        return ref.getReferenceDataBulk(["BTC","ETH"], ["USD","BTC"]);

The result from demo_bulk() would yield:

    ReferenceData(23131270000000000000000, 1659588229, 1659589497),
    ReferenceData(71601775432131482, 1659588229, 1659588229)

Where the results can be interpreted as:


    • rate = 23131.27 BTC/USD

    • lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229

    • lastUpdatedQuote = 1659589497


    • rate = 0.07160177543213148 ETH/BTC

    • lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229

    • lastUpdatedQuote = 1659588229

Last updated