Local Development Network Setup
This guide walks through how to deploy a local blockchain instance for software development and testing purposes. Alternatively, developers can also develop and test on Anvil Testnet.
1. Prerequisites
i) Install Golang
Tips for Linux (Ubuntu)
ii) Install Rust
If already installed, please update to 1.59 or newer
iii) Install System Specific Dependencies
2. Build Required Binaries
Findora blockchain can run on both MacOS or Linux. The commands below will build all required binaries to start a local Findora blockchain.
Please make sure to add all below 3 binaries to your $PATH
. By default, they will be copied to ~/.cargo/bin/
which should already be in your $PATH
: The tool to initialize Findora blockchain.abcid
: Findora core protocol.tendermint
: Tendermint consensus engine.
3. Install Python3 and toml-cli
Findora devnet tools are written in Python3 and use toml-cli
to manipulate configuration files. Install Python3 if not already installed. Also, install toml-cli
using the command below:
and then copy newly installed toml
cli tool to /usr/local/bin
to make it visible
4. Run Devnet
Inside your platform
directory, execute make devnet
in the terminal.
i) What's in devnet?
The validator
The fullnode
The key pair that holds FRA
ii) How to control devnet?
The local blockchain can be stopped and restarted anytime during development and tests.
Stop Blockchain:
Restart Blockchain:
Start Over:
make devnet
5. Devnet URLs and Ports
connects to Web3 HTTP
connects to Web3 WebSocket
6. Troubleshoot
Problem 1
Error Message:
make build_release fails with go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
Update your golang.org/x/sys
Problem 2
file is missing
manually add
to your home directory (i.e. directory~
Last updated
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