zkDID SDK Installation


Special Note: The initial MVP implementation of Findora’s zkDID currently excludes features expected in the final zkDID design such as i) non-transferable NFT support (to store the DIDs on-chain) and ii) IPFS integration to store credentials (and/or proofs) on-chain.

Findora’s zkdid-js SDK consists of a collection of APIs to create decentralized identifiers (DIDs), credentials and proofs to enable DID holders to prove credential data (i.e. private information) about themselves in a zero-knowledge (zk) manner.

Zero-knowledge refers to the ability to cryptographically verify data without disclosing the exact credential value (i.e. cryptographically enable the verification that a DID holder’s credential contains credit score is above 700 — without revealing the exact number to the verifier).

For a conceptual overview of DIDs, credentials and the stakeholders in the credentialing and verification processes, visit the zkDID and Credentials modules section of Findora’s documentation. Also, please see the official W3C DID specification.

The key zkDID APIs are defined in the zkDID Github repo and the key API definition files include:

  • circuits.ts - create ZK circuits

  • credential.ts - create and retrieve credentials

  • did.ts - create and retrieve DIDs

  • zkproof.ts - create and verify zkProofs


To use the zkDID SDK requires developers to have first installed the ethers.js library (install instructions).

zkDID SDK Installation

To install the zkdid-js SDK, you need to Git clone the zkDID Github repo into your project directory.

zkDID SDK Usage

Finally, import the zkDID package into your project’s javascript codebase (as well as ethers package):

import zkDID from `zkDID`;
import ethers from `ethers`;

Last updated